Julee Cruise's dreamily fragile voice and mysterious figure at the Roadhouse bar set the mood that made Twin Peaks something unique.

Her song led the viewers between the moods of the series, rocking us slowly from the cozy quirky to the icy and horrible.

Many thanks to her, David Lynch was able to scare the life out of us just by filming the trees in the wind, and making us believe that a lady with a firewood was sitting inside truths.

Most famous is the song Falling which is also an intro to the series, but several of the songs she did with the composer Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch take - to borrow a quote from Kyle MacLachlan who played Agent Cooper - the one who listens to other dimensions.

Cruise performed, among other things, Mysteries of Love in Lynch's classic Blue Velvet.

Julee Cruise turned 65 years old.