Marie Gicquel/Photo credits: ERIC DERVAUX / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 1:34 p.m., April 7, 2024

Europe 1 is proud to be associated with the seventh season of CANNESERIES, the Cannes International Series Festival. This Saturday, festival guests were able to discover a blockbuster derived from the video game of the same name, “Fall Out”, a series in which American actor Kyle MacLachlan plays. He spoke to the microphone of Europe 1.

Two weeks after Séries Mania in Lille, fans of the small screen have been meeting since this Friday on the Croisette for the 7th season of Canneseries, whose muscular programming promises a pink carpet walked by a multitude of celebrities, from Jamel Debbouze to Michael Douglas. Europe 1 is a partner of Canneseries and the lucky ones who can participate discover the most anticipated series of the year.

Saturday evening, guests were able to watch a blockbuster derived from the video game of the same name, "Fall Out", a series in which American actor Kyle MacLachlan plays. He spoke to the microphone of Europe 1.

A renewed challenge

He received an award from director David Lynch who gave him his first role in the film "Dune" released in 1984 to "Blue Velvet" via the cult series "Twin Peaks" where he plays the unwavering agent of the FBI, Dale Cooper. “Just being dubbed by him and recognized by the French public means a lot to me,” he said.


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The opportunity for the actor who also played naive spouses from “Sex and the City” to “Desperate Housewives” to look back on 40 years of career. "All the roles I've played have been a challenge. But the one that gave me insomnia was undoubtedly that of the Dale Cooper double. A very dark role that required a lot of work and effort. reflection,” he explains.

A post-apocalyptic series

This time, Kyle MacLachlan abandons the costume for the survival suit in the adaptation of the video game "Fall Out": "I tried to play it but I didn't get very far. I died very quickly " "He's a very interesting character. Firstly because he's a father and so am I. And he brings something positive. He's a charismatic leader," explains the actor.


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A post-apocalyptic series where Kyle MacLachlan's smile alone brings comfort.