Shipments of jumbo bell peppers, which are four to five times larger than ordinary bell peppers, have begun in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture.

Jumbo peppers are 15 cm long and weigh about 250 grams. They are thick, sweet, less bitter, and can be eaten raw.

In Tsuyama City, cultivation began more than 20 years ago in the western Kume district, and is now nicknamed "Jumpy," and is cultivated by 19 farmers this season.

Shipments began last weekend, and fresh jumbo peppers that had just been harvested on the 12th were brought to JA's fruit sorting plant, sorted by size and quality, and packed in boxes.

Mr. Osamu Doi, Chairman of JA Sunny Country Okayama Jumbo Bell Pepper Subcommittee, said, "We have big and good quality bell peppers. They are less bitter and sweet and can be eaten raw, so please let your children eat them." Was there.

This jumbo pepper will be shipped to markets in Okayama and Osaka, as well as at local roadside stations.