3 hours ago Al-Azhari followed his saying that this experience and idea is very important, as the Google search engine has become "my predecessor's passion and my brothers' temperament", as he described it.

He believed that whoever leaves himself to receive the provisions of Islamic Sharia and learn them from Google, he will find that he is heading directly to the Salafi and Brotherhood thought.

As for the military level in the region, Greece extends its control over most of the islands in the Aegean Sea, while Turkey calls for negotiations to determine the fate of many of these islands, especially after Greece turned some of them into military barracks, contrary to what is stipulated in the peace goals signed after the two world wars. .

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the Aegean islands as occupied, and reminded Athens of some of its defeats against the Turks, knowing that this escalation was caused by Greek military harassment against Turkish planes over the Aegean Sea and the silence of the Mediterranean towards it.

For its part, the European Union took Erdogan's threats seriously and expressed its concern. The Turkish president threatened Greece with a night invasion if it continued its naval harassment. Erdogan's speech stated: "I say to Greece, look at history. If it goes further, the price will be heavy. We have one sentence for you." "Don't forget how we kicked you out of Izmir! Your occupation of some islands in the Aegean does not obligate us, and we do not recognize it. And when the time is right, we will do it."