Indian actress Pearl Punjabi committed suicide on Friday by jumping from the balcony of her apartment in Mumbai's Uchiwara district, police reports said.

The actress "Punjabi" in her early twenties, and died instantly from her wounds, the Daily News and Analysies reported.

The police revealed that "Punjabi" was mentally disturbed, especially as she was quarreling with her mother frequently, it is reported that "Punjabi" had already tried to commit suicide twice, but was rescued.

Punjabi is known to have been an aspiring actress and has been trying to make her way into the cinema world for a long time, but without success, leaving her in a bad psychological state. Much.

"The incident happened between 12:15 and 12:30 am. There was some noise, I thought someone was shouting in the street, so I went to the place to check what happened Happens, and when I came back, I heard noises from the third floor, where she lived. "
The Indian authorities are still investigating the incident.