EFE New Delhi

New Delhi

Updated Saturday, February 3, 2024-11:07

"Yes, I faked my death. I know it's extreme

," an Indian actress and reality show contestant,

Poonam Pandey

, acknowledged this Saturday, before apologizing for

wanting to raise awareness about cervical cancer

and amid criticism from having carried out a "publicity stunt".

The news of the death of Pandey, 32, appeared in the Indian media last Thursday through his representative, but it was last Friday when it caused more impact on television and newspapers after a publication on his Instagram page.

"We are deeply saddened to inform you that we have lost our beloved Poonam to cervical cancer," read a simple text on a black background.

Among the expressions of condolences, there were already those who highlighted the suddenness of the death, suspicions that the actress confirmed by revealing in several videos and a statement that she is still alive.


While I understand that you may have considered it in bad taste, I also implore you to consider the larger cause

. Before judging the act, I call upon you to recognize the alarming concern that weighs on women around the world," Poonam said today.

The celebrity claimed that the media had not highlighted enough one of the announcements made by Finance Minister

Nirmala Sitharaman

during the budget presentation last Thursday.

India will boost

vaccination against human papillomavirus

(HPV) in girls aged between 9 and 14 to prevent cervical cancer, he told Parliament.

Criticism of the actress intensified this Saturday in the face of the false death, among a

wave of negative comments


According to data from the Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan),

every year India registers 123,907 new cases of cervical cancer

and 77,348 deaths.