Only in a very raucous era can the comment of an ANC member - Imagine , Mandela, Pueblo, Smiles - about Commander Francisco Marín, who died after his plane fall to the sea in La Manga, pass almost as routine. Something about waste discharged by the Army , said this subject who belongs to a culture of hypersensitivity always lends itself to feeling aggrieved. A man, a residue. One life, crap. And now get excited about the grandparents and their grandchildren holding the same balloon on the Diada.

It is possible to diagnose the pathology of this guy in a precise context, oblivious to the ideological: the evil quizzes of the tweeter. That is, the consequences of that muladar has enhanced a competition between sinister champions of ingenuity who aspire to say the most hurtful and sordid thing about every event that happens. It is not the foam of the days, as Boris Vian wrote, but his pus. The clear option is not to enter that toilet and only reach what it exceeds.

However, and since this individual has a position in an organization dedicated to the traffic of fundamental hatred in recent Spanish years, it remains only to begin to wonder to what extent the dehumanization of the false enemy has already reached nationalist propaganda. And if this is reversible. That is to say, if one can return from the comparison of a dead man with a residue, of its similarification to that used by terrorism when the victims were dehumanized through their reduction to an animal condition. Txakurra , Dog, Residue, Untermensch .

The hatred of these years that devastated the pujolist ambiguity has enshrined this pre-war view of the other. These words that always served to make death less dramatic. The joke of the spill, and this does not even know the guy who has done it, is reminiscent of the twentieth century whose nationalisms put into circulation terms such as "ethnic cleansing", cleaning of waste. What a frustrating pedagogy. But this hate with a closed smell would not have been possible without allowing nationalism to manufacture watertight, inbred compartments. As proof, remember that program in which Évole took Junqueras to Seville as on a salacot trip to humanize Andalusians by treating them for the first time. Comandante Marín will be kept humanized in the memory of his family and his companions. And also this chronicler.

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