With a chronic political instability , in Italy there are situations that seem taken from any crazy comedy by Alberto Sordi . Thus, there is the announcement of Vice President Salvini of a motion of censure against the head of the Government of which he himself is the true strong man. It is not a film, but the maneuver with which the leader of the ultra-right-wing League is about to bring down the unusual coalition Executive who, after long and complex negotiations, formed his party last year and the anti-system left of Movement 5 Stars led by Luigi Di Maio . It has always been a double-headed, unnatural Government , which, despite the efforts of Prime Minister Conte , has acted as two parallel and uncoordinated bodies, each with its own particular interests. And even so, this Salvini movement was not expected so soon, which once again demonstrates that it puts its personal ambitions before the country's need for some stability and political continuity, at the hands until new Budgets were approved that gave a I breathe the citizens and breathe some trust into creditors and markets.

Little seems to matter to the League that the transalpine economy is in an almost vegetative state, with an expected GDP growth for this year of just 0.1% - now there is a risk that it will fall into negative rates. Salvini has the wind in the polls and does not want to wait for a repeat election that could allow the extreme right to rule alone or with the only crutch of other smaller groups of the same ideology . Salvini flirted with assaulting the skies since the last European elections in May, in which his formation swept away while the 5 Star Movement suffered an impressive setback. The left-wing populists expelled a large part of their electorate by forming the co-inhabitation with the League and everything indicates that in the next generals, which will almost certainly be in the fall, they will finally sink.

The situation is disturbing both for Italy and for the whole of the European Union, which can be seen as one of its founding and most important members, is totally in the arms of an illiberal formation that not only has a xenophobic ideology but also an anti-European one . When we still do not know how and under what circumstances Brexit is going to take place, and what political, social and economic effects it will have for the community club as a whole, the prospect that the fourth European economy is governed alone by a party that flirts as a threat with Italexit - the abandonment of Italy from the Union as a blackmail to Brussels - it is devastating. Therefore, the irresponsible blow of Salvini yesterday shook the European stock exchanges and threatens to harm countries like Spain, with very sensitive debt and risk premium.

The Italian debt , more than 130% of GDP, is one of the largest in the EU, together with Greece and Portugal, and the national economy suffers such severe imbalances that they keep the country under permanent observation in Brussels . But Salvini, like any populist of the sign that is, pulls fallacies in the argument and with a strong anti-immigration speech and turning the EU into a scapegoat guilty of all evil fills the basket of votes. Hopefully this comedy does not end in a monumental tragedy.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • GDP
  • Greece
  • European Union
  • Portugal
  • Europe
  • Spain
  • Antonio Conte
  • theater
  • Editorial

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