It can be difficult to focus in the office when the phone bells ring around you all the time, while two colleagues are engaged in a heated conversation near you.

Prolonged exposure to noise in the workplace can increase stress, says Vita Shram, professional medicine officer at the Technical Rheinfeld Technical Inspection Association.

When one is about to do something that needs a high degree of concentration, a simple ordinary conversation may cause it to stop working.

In order to reduce the tension in the office, experts say that certain rules should be established on the level of noise. For example, colleagues can agree on certain times when telephone conversations or other conversations are not allowed, as such times are assigned to tasks that require high levels of concentration.

It is also useful to set up servers, stamps and cameras in separate rooms, as well as separate rooms for telephone conversations and meetings, she said.

This will help reduce the noise level within the office, helping to create a more comfortable working environment and improve productivity