Elections in less than a month. This already seems like Groundhog Day, gentleman... I like campaigns. The trips have that nosequé like a rock group going on tour, from here to there, tired but alive. I come from a very militant family, a militancy that my father paid for with torture and imprisonment. So in my house being active to transform things is a value. In fact there are still discussions; I must be one of the few people whose father is even further to his left than the offspring. And every once in a while he sees me on television and gives me a touch: "Well, son, but you should have put more cane into it." What a Christmas Eve dinner.They are a bit intense, yes. It is said that sometimes, when someone is born in a house with a very marked tendency, it can evolve towards the opposite. But that hasn't happened to me; My parents have made their moral and ethical preferences for the left very clear to me, and I'm still there. They tell me that with his mother he brings a contraband of books ... I don't go to my mother's house for tapers, but for books. It is a great supplier, especially of crime novels. But I value more and more the superficial talk, how you are, what you have eaten, how skinny you are ... Not everything must always be so transcendent. I can't imagine you talking about Save Me... I've always been a little intense, really. As a child, my mother called me Radio Pirenaica Independiente, which was the clandestine radio station during the Franco regime, because I was never silent. In fact, I wanted to be a film director not because I was especially a cinephile, but to tell things. Film director and footballer, of course. That's where I wanted to go. To his passion for Real Madrid. Has it brought you problems? I've ever been asked if it's compatible to be red and Real Madrid. And why not? Football is a feeling, and I think it's great that there are things in life that don't have to be rationalized. There are areas, and football is one of them, that sometimes cannot be explained. Do you know why I'm from Real Madrid? Because it's something of skin, because I feel like it, because my father is also and he instilled it in me since I was little... That doesn't mean I agree with everything the club does. I'm not talking about that; I'm talking about when I was a kid I already knew their lineup. Let's do a little archaeology: of that 15-M that was going to assault the skies, is there anything left under the carpet? Social revolutions to change things are like a dynamo: they need a lot of energy to then transform it into very little movement. Of course I wonder: how much effort, how much sacrifice, how much illusion, how much screaming, how many people putting their body and soul so that things changed much less than expected. I make a spoiler: many young people have a tremendous disaffection with you politicians. What do we tell them? From the outset, I sing the mea culpa. But sometimes it only transcends the fuss and the scream, because it is what sells. An example: we have just taken forward, unanimously in Congress, that there be paid leave for people who want to accompany family or friends at risk of suicide. Eleven people take their own lives in Spain every day. The mental health debate was opened because an MP insulted me. If that gentleman did not tell me during a session his famous "go to the doctor", maybe that would not have gone viral. The scream, andThe, the chicken coop is sometimes what receives more focus. And that should make us all reflect: politicians, the media, citizens... Not everything goes to get the click on the news. Any time spent without Twitter was better... I believe that most important issues in life cannot be summarized in a 15-second video. Since we've cut that melon... How do you keep your head at bay in such a jungle? I'm learning not to hide my vulnerabilities, to say "I can't," "I don't know," "I don't know how." Because then I can ask for advice, ask for help or ask for a hug. Little by little I am acknowledging my weaknesses, which I believe is a supreme degree of strength. In the same way that we are not ashamed to say that our gut hurts, we should not be ashamed to say that our soul hurts... And I'm an atheist, huh? You are coming out... Yes. A full-fledged coming out of the closet, because I'm going to tell something I've never said. I opened this crusade of mental health, and by talking to many people, asking questions outwardly, I also began to question myself. And for some months now I've been going to therapy. It gives me many tools to deal with difficulties, with anxieties, with life. Let's see if other politicians take an example, don't you think? When I started talking about mental health, many Members laughed at me and told me that it was silly. And now Feijóo has incorporated it into his discourse, his agenda, his program. I could be angry about his change of position, guided by a revanchist spirit, and yet I am very happy. And the same thing happened with euthanasia. When the right voted against a law for a dignified death, I told them: "The definitive victory will come when, and hopefully you do not have to resort to it, a relative of yours needs that right and uses it." Speaking of troubles. You have left many friendships along the way. And yes, I mean Pablo Iglesias.Being very young we launched an initiative that led the polls. There was a kind of overflow that not only affected the country, but also us, who received a lot of focus. And honestly, I don't know how prepared we were to take on the hurricane that hit us. The Rolling Stones syndrome... It's a metaphor. You take out a first record and blow it up. But then you have to put out another one, and you have to go on tour, and you like an album more and another less... And we were caught in a tide that was impossible not to affect us emotionally. Of course in politics there are fights and discussions, but that also happens in a company, in the communities of neighbors, between families, there are splits in Vox, the leader of the PP resigned a year ago ... What has he had to give up in all these years? To anonymity. To be invisible. To enter a restaurant or a gas station and that people do not turn to look at me. To me the balance is very much in my favor. Every week I receive many more complimentary comments than insults, which there are also, eye, especially when the temperature is hotter in the street. But I do not say it as a complaint: they are gajes of the trade.Any more confidence now that we have taken the couch for a walk? Shoot.I play dumb a lot. I like to laugh and I miss him, because in Congress you laugh little. And I cook. I'm not bad at lentils, beans, cream... I love the spoon. But I'm not an effective cook, because I leave everything done about zorros. I enjoy the mountain with my dog and buy many more books than I can read. And, contrary to what people believe, I'm very messy... and unpunctual to the maximum degree. With Yolanda Díaz, okay? Fantastically. There is a lot of harmony and it has a way of doing transversal politics that sounds a lot to me and with which I feel very identified. But the general election is coming. Do not skip stages or rush. For now, we're going for May.

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