"It's a pretty powerful storm, but it's not unique. It must be remembered that all magnetic storms appear after some manifestations of solar activity, such as solar flares. And now we are entering the years of solar maximum - once every 11 years we have increased solar activity, so there will be more and more such storms ... Therefore, we will gradually get used to such messages and will no longer consider them as something extraordinary," the expert explained.

According to him, the only manifestation that residents of the middle lane will notice is that you can see the aurora in non-standard places.

"For example, in St. Petersburg. In Moscow, probably, it would also be visible, if not for the haze, "the specialist said.

The interlocutor of RT added that increased radiation has an impact mainly on spacecraft.

"Just as a storm at sea affects ships, but they usually withstand this storm, so satellites usually withstand a magnetic storm. It affects radio communication in the polar regions," Petrukovich said.

As for the impact on human health, there is no generally accepted answer to this question, he explained.

"If it does, it is a fairly small effect compared to the effect of bad weather on a person ... There is nothing so radically terrible in a magnetic storm in this sense, "concluded the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Earlier it was reported that scientists recorded a powerful magnetic storm of class G4.

According to the monitoring data of the Institute of Applied Space Weather Geophysics, the storm reached the G4 class out of five indicators, where G5 is extremely strong.

The corresponding level implies serious interference in communications, in satellite and radio frequency navigation.