• Reality Traitors, HBO's 'mind destroyer': "We are a country of the faithful ruled by traitors"

Tired of


reality shows ?

Well, even with a certain saturation, the dating show

that will change everything

is already in Spain :

FBoy Island


The new


reality show

, which is born with a lot of humor, but with a

premise, to teach "bad boys" to "stop being primates and treat women well."

And when he says to teach, he is really teaching.

That is the job for which the comedian

Valeria Ros

has been chosen , presenter, educator, counselor and whatever they throw at her on



"It's a


to make people laugh, so that the viewer laughs. But it also

has a somewhat Hitchcock universe

, that bomb that is under the table about to explode and the viewer knows it," she explains.

FBoy Island

is created by Elan Gale -

The Bachelor

- and follows three girls who travel to a tropical island where they meet 22 guys:

11 consider themselves "nice guys" looking for love and 11 admit to being "FBoys"

, or whatever. it's the same


, who are there to compete for a prize money.

None of them know who are nice boys and bad boys.

They will have to discover it through appointments and coexistence, risking in each chapter to expel the "good guys".

As the

reality show

progresses , everything is revealed: who is a "nice guy", who is an "FBoy", and who the girls ultimately choose.

A full-blown social experiment that raises age-old dilemmas:

can scoundrels really reform?

Do the "nice guys" always have to lose?

"I have always been of the opinion that the good guys are the ones who have to lose, but don't believe it.

We have the idea that the badass goes to the top, that he has many tables, but there are also bad girls

(... .) The viewer plays with it to the end", answers Valeria Ros.

What the comedian, turned presenter of love, refers to is that nothing is written in



Depending on the situations that are found, the good guys can stop being so good and the bad guys, perhaps, stop being so bad when their plans are cut short because of love.

What is certainly not lacking in

FBoy Island

is humor.

In fact, it is something that Valeria Ros insists a lot on.

She has been chosen because this

reality show

had to be carried with a lot of laughter, above all, "laughing at oneself".

Seeing her in Miss Rottenmeier mode punishing

bad boys in the so-called

Redemption to re-educate them and turn them into good men would be impossible to do if humor was not involved.

While the good guys who are eliminated

will live an experience of luxury and pleasure

in the



a reward for their attitudes in courtship and love, the


will be expelled to that purgatory,

a place where they will taste their own medicine


they will be subjected to punishments and "therapies" for the purpose of "re-education"


"I play a lot with the moment in which they eliminate and it is discovered if it is nice or bad," says Ros.

"If it's an


they go to


, which is pure comedy, but where I show them how they have to stop being primates and how they shouldn't treat women.

That cliché that bad boys cannot be reformed changes

because there are many twists ", Explain.


Yolanda Martín Campayo

, executive producer of the program, but also of the successful

First Dates

by Cuatro, explains, "

FBoy Island

Spain is a humorous

dating show

that sometimes doesn't even take itself seriously. It's a good sample of what In Spain we know it as

the "hummingbird"

, a funny "revenge" towards that figure in a comedy key, which aspires to answer the eternal question of whether a


can redeem himself".

Ella y ella adds: "Valeria's role moves away from the usual role of


in this type of program and she goes through funny moments in which she submits the


to "shock therapy".

or punish those who resist re-education


"Of course it's revenge on the hummingbird!", says the comedian.

In fact,

"I am there to show them, in addition to hosting the program

," he admits openly, because for Valeria Ros, as well as for the promoters of the Spanish adaptation of this successful reality show, which

The Washington Post

described, in its edition American, as "deliciously twisted" and


as a "compelling and intelligent masterpiece".

"When doing humor", admits Valeria Ros, "a dating show

like it has never been seen


"They are 'characters'. You can see a lot of personality, how they think, how they manipulate... The viewers will feel very identified", she laughs while acknowledging that in the end, but only in the end, "they ended up loving me



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