The live-action/animated hybrid movie was controversially axed by Warner


last November but the scribe has revealed that talks are still "ongoing" as to whether audiences will get the chance to see the movie.

Speaking to IndieWire, Samy Burch said: "As far as I know it's ongoing. I think we're all pretty heartbroken about it. We hope it will somehow find its home and not end up stuck in a vault for the rest of time. That would be a great resolution."

She continued: "I know that they have been screening places and I think they still are.

"I hope that I'm allowed to say that. I'm going completely rogue here. It's just the best group of people. Dave Green, who directed it, I just love so much. Will Forte is amazing in the movie. I 've seen the final cut of the completed film and I'm very proud of it."

Forte had been set to play Wile E. Coyote's lawyer in the

movie featuring the Looney Tunes characters

and recently took to social media to express his disappointment at the decision made by Warner Bros.

He posted on the social media platform whatever they want with it.

"It doesn't mean I have to like it. Or agree with it. And it doesn't mean that this movie is anything less than magnificent. You would be so proud of it - a movie that should be seen, but won' t.

"Please know that all the years and years of hard work and dedication and love that you put into this movie shows in every frame. That's all folks."