Actress Kate Hudson ("Almost Famous") congratulated her mother Goldie Hawn ("The Devils Club") on her 77th birthday with photos taken together and an extensive declaration of love.

"I wonder if God knew what the stars concocted to create this brilliant light?" the 43-year-old wrote of Hawn on Instagram on Monday.

She has an out-of-this-world zest for life and a cheerful spirit, Hudson said.

What's more, her mother has challenged the toughest of heads, "cutting down a lot of those shrubs that like to scratch women's ankles to make us roll over," Hudson said.

The grandmother of six Hawn, who won the Oscar for best supporting actress in 1969 at the age of 24 for her first film role in "The Cactus Blossom", reacted to her daughter's post with a declaration of love of her own: "Your message brought tears to my eyes.

Your beautiful words have penetrated my soul," she wrote.

"I love you with all my heart."

Kate Hudson and her brother Oliver are from Hawn's previous marriage to Bill Hudson.

Hawn has been with Kurt Russell since 1983 and has one other son with him.