For six decades, the "Svensktoppen" has played hit songs on the air, presented by profiles from Pekka Langer to Ulf Elving and Kent Finell.

The first song to top the list was "Midnattstango" by Lasse Lönndahl.

To celebrate the 60th anniversary, Sveriges Radio is now releasing a documentary series with current presenter Carolina Norén at the helm.

"Svenstoppen's fantastic history" aims to delve deep into scandals from the program's history.

22 years of enmity

One of them is the quarrel in the 1980s between Kent Finell and Magnus Uggla when the latter did not want to be interviewed in connection with the song "Jag mår illa" topping the list.

"It starts with Kent Finell getting annoyed that Magnus doesn't want to be interviewed and Kent starts ranting about Uggla on the radio.

Magnus does not appear in the studio during any of the fourteen weeks that the song is on the list.

And just when you thought it was all over, Magnus recharges and releases a passionate song about Kent.

It takes 22 years before they are reconciled," says Carolina Norén in the press release.