Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu sole master on board?

Audio 19:30

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu November 29, 2020. Alex Kolomiensky POOL / AFP / Archivos

By: Romain Auzouy

21 mins

Tomorrow Tuesday will be the legislative elections in Israel, the fourth in two years.

A fragmented political landscape, but the same person in power for twelve years: Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.

Yet threatened by court cases, he continues to enjoy strong popular support with an increasingly right-wing discourse.

His main argument for these elections: the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in Israel considered to be the most intense in the world.


What is the secret of Benyamin Netanyahu's longevity?

Why is the Israeli political system so unstable?

What are the possible alternatives on the occasion of this ballot qualified as the most unpredictable elections?

With our guest 

Jean-Pierre Filiu

, professor at Sciences Po and author of

Main basse sur Israel


 Netanyahu and the end of the Zionist dream

, at the Discovery edition.


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  • Israel

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