When all progressive humanity vied with each other to congratulate D. Biden, who declared himself the winner, in small but proud Estonia there were politicians who decided to stroke American democracy against the grain. 

Speaking on the radio, Estonian Interior Minister Mart Helme, supported by the Minister of Finance and also the son of the Chief of Police Martin Helme, said: “The logic of the Deep State's activities is to embed scoundrels, corrupt, blackmailed scoundrels everywhere in order to ensure their own freedom of action.

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are corrupt types. "

Helme Jr. added to this: “In general, there is not even a question that these elections were falsified.

All normal people would have to oppose this.

There is no point in talking about any democracy or a rule of law, if elections can be so simply, so brazenly and massively falsified. " 

Such bold speeches (the late Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are nervously smoking on the sidelines) elicited a predictable reaction from the Estonian authorities.

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid said: “Today's attack by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Estonia and the Minister of the Interior against the newly elected US President is an attack against democracy and security in Estonia.

Two members of the government sent a clear signal that allied relations with the United States are of no value to them. 

Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu also condemned the expedition of his colleagues: “These are insane speeches that do not for a second and in no way represent the official position of the Estonian state.

I advise the comrades in the government to deal with the problems of Estonia, rather than governing the United States. "

As well as the Minister of War, Prime Minister, etc.

The Council for State Defense was hastily convened, as a result of which the father put his party card on the table, and the son received a stricter with the entry. 

Perhaps, in their hearts, it is not only Helme's father and son who evaluate the elections held in the United States so impartially.

Many Eastern Europeans - and not only them - could have expressed a rather sour reaction to such a triumph of democracy.

In the end, the dirt is really such that you want to put on galoshes.

But father and son, firstly, called everything in plain text, and secondly, they are not private individuals.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance are key ministries in all respects.

And the Conservative People's Party of Estonia, which Martin's son heads, is the third in the number of deputies in parliament and is part of the government coalition.

This, most likely, explains the softness of the decision.

The son even kept his portfolio, and the head of the cabinet, although he criticized him, but not very strongly.

Preserving the coalition seemed to him a more important task than arranging a solemn flogging in full.

Although the sortie of father and son was outrageous in terms of vassal etiquette.

Well, the father had to be sacrificed, especially since he behaved insolently even before the American elections.

In October, he gave an interview to Deutsche Welle, in which he cursed Ukrainian guest workers and spoke apolitically about V.V.

Putin: “If necessary, he will be the enemy.

If necessary, he will be a friend.

He, like a pharmacist, weighs everything in order to conduct an effective foreign policy on the basis of balance.

In Russia, they are more busy building relations with world centers of power - the United States, China, and EU leaders.

And the Baltic states are European provinces, in Russia they see no point in spending energy on them. "

The minister also spoke skeptically about Navalny's scam, and for the sake of completeness he spoke with DW journalists in Russian.

Scandal is not the right word.

At the same time, however, the Moscow reaction in the spirit: "And their heads go around: //" Mart Helme has become our friend! "

- would be reckless.

Helme the father was the Estonian ambassador to Moscow in the 1990s and proved himself by no means a supporter of Russian-Estonian rapprochement, but quite the opposite.

He is credited with this quote: “Today's Russia is a growing monster, which the world has never seen in its history.

This monster will straighten its shoulders in 2008, after the presidential elections.

And then we will see what a monster will crawl out of the gates of the Kremlin.

This policy will be absolutely aggressive - using extortion, politically motivated disappearances and killings.

And not only in Russia itself, but also in other countries. "

He proposed “to impose on Russia a new, unbearable economic competition, an arms race and an ideological war”: “The collapse of Russia will free the world from this monster, which Ronald Reagan dubbed the“ evil empire ”.

So the point is not in suddenly flared up friendly feelings towards Russia, but in the fact that politicians in the limitrophes are different.

Basically, of course, these are obedient vassals of the United States, creeping before Washington until the complete loss of human dignity.

But there are also right-wing (in the opinion of others, even ultra-right) politicians, in whose eyes the United States is no better than Russia.

And situationally - sometimes even worse.

"Monstrous" Russia at least does not encourage migration, pederasty and other things like that.

And here Helme is not alone.

Magyar Orban, Pole Kaczynski, activists of the "Alternative for Germany" - are also on this line. 

It would be very daring to regard them as our European friends, but even with their commitment, the United States is becoming more and more miraculous: a kind of non-alignment movement on a new round of the dialectical spiral.

You cannot rely on this movement, but you can take it into account.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.