Screen capture of the video presentation of the National Council of the New Resistance. - Youtube screen capture

Opposed to government policy that they describe as "liberticide", personalities from all walks of life, journalists, publishers, lawyers, sociologists, philosophers, economists, have created a "National Council of the New Resistance" (CNNR) to propose a alternative mode of governance, they announced on Thursday.

Under the honorary chairmanship of the resistance fighters Anne Beaumanoir and Claude Alphandéry, this CNNR, named after the National Council of the Resistance, brings together nine women (Dominique Méda, Danièle Linhart, Sabrina Ali Benali, Anne Eydoux, Pauline) Londeix, Véronique Decker, Fatima Ouassak, Anne-Claire Rafflegeau, Clotilde Bato) and nine men (Dominique Bourg, Samuel Churin, Pablo Servigne, Olivier Favereau, Yannick Kergoat, Jean-Marie Harribey, Dominique Rousseau, Antoine Comte, Benoît Piédallu).

The result published on May 27, National Day of Resistance

Its secretariat is composed of the filmmaker Gérard Mordillat, the director Gilles Perret, the journalists Denis Robert and Katell Gouëllo, the editor Florent Massot and the economics professor Bertrand Rothé. In a video posted on the net, several of its founders explain their approach: "offer a rallying point to all those, and there are many today, individuals, collectives, movements, parties and unions, who think that happy days are not just an empty formula but the real horizon of a political program ”.

🎥 (Video) Creation of the National Council of the New Resistance: 20 members (10 women and 10 men), philosophers, ...

Posted by CNNR on Wednesday May 13, 2020

"Outside parties and unions but not against them, the people who make up this council have legitimacy for their work, their experience and their commitment," explains journalist and writer Denis Robert. “It is a question of stating the principles according to which our society will have to be governed and of summoning the political leaders to commit themselves vis-à-vis them. The results of this work will be published on May 27, National Resistance Day, ”adds Florent Massot, editor.

A manifesto under development 

And, then, "based on these principles, to feed this program of ideas and everyone's experience as widely as possible so that it can be operational as quickly as possible", adds Gérard Mordillat, filmmaker and novelist.

A collective work ("Resist ... together so that happy days are reborn", Massot editions) gathering some forty contributions from CNNR members and other personalities (Thomas Piketty, Cyril Dion ...) should appear on the platforms , including those from independent bookstores, in early summer. A CNNR manifesto must also be distributed in kiosks and bookstores in paper version.


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