MIPTV is the international market for audiovisual content. - L. CIRONNEAU / AP / SIPA

The city of festivals had already seen its most congress, the Mipim, scheduled for March 10 to 13, postponed. This Wednesday, the coronavirus epidemic also got the better of another big meeting scheduled on the Croisette with more than 10,000 accredited. "The MipTV scheduled for Cannes from March 30 to April 2 is canceled due to the uncertainty associated with" the Covid-19, said ReedMidem, the organizer of its shows.

Season 3 of the CanneSeries festival, initially scheduled at the same time as this congress dedicated to television program professionals, will finally be held from October 9 to 14 in parallel with Mipcom, another event on this theme.

"Reprogramming the following months is not feasible"

“In the current environment, many customers have expressed their fear of traveling. Reprogramming MIPTV in the following months is not feasible and the most appropriate approach is to cancel the 2020 edition, "said Paul Zilk, president of Reed Modem.

A solution that the organizer had rejected for its Mipim, a global real estate market, which brings together each year between 25,000 and 30,000 participants from around the world. The decision was ultimately to postpone the event from June 2 to 5, 2020.


The Nice Fair forced to cancel, the Cannes Mipim will not open its doors until June


In the European Union, the risk level around coronavirus goes from "moderate" to "high"

  • Miptv
  • Series
  • Festival
  • Television
  • Nice