What will the news look like in 2050? - Pixabay

Infobesity, fake news, undermined independence, speed of flows ... The media are the subject of strong criticism. At a time when information is proliferating and technologies are changing the way we learn, they must reaffirm their role in order to be the guarantor of reliable and verified information. So what will the media look like in 2050?

As part of Media and Citizens, a major consultation launched by Bluenove with nine partner media including 20 Minutes , we are publishing the contributions from the Bright Mirror workshops which have been held all over France since December 2019. Here, Julie takes the role of a certain Martin and imagine what the media would become in 2050 if we all became journalists.

"It is January 15, 2050. An alert sounds. It's my day on duty at the Street Citizen newspaper. Quickly, I put on my yellow parka and I jump on my flying scooter. In a few moments, here I am in the middle of the demonstration of green vests.

Four months that they meet every Friday on the Place de la Concorde, in support of the Brazilian people: the Amazon forest is disappearing from the face of the globe.

I take out my 3D camera and film live, connected with my chip connected to my contact in Brazil, which is currently covering the equivalent event in Brasilia. Like me, he is not a professional journalist, he volunteered to join Street Citizen , our militant global newspaper, and cover the movement. "

All ultra-connected

“I suddenly recognize a familiar face in the crowd. She approaches me and calls out to me:

- Well, hi Martin, always present for demonstrations eh!

- Hello Safia! Yes, I was on leave today, but it's true that I haven't missed a demo since the start of the Green Vests.

- How many people are you following on your live there?

- Wait, I look via my chip ... 6 million and a few ... Wait ... 6.5 million, a good part of Australians have just connected, jet lag requires.

- It works well, say your newspaper!

- And again, a former editor-in-chief of France Televisions has just joined us (you know that they are firing at all costs elsewhere?) So we will have the chance to be accompanied by professionals, even if all the journalists volunteers around the world are ordinary citizens, that was the starting point.

- Yes, I love it, I subscribed direct!

- Thank you Safia! I leave you, the Russian correspondent is trying to reach me ... Yes, Dimitri? "

All journalists

“I press my second chip, which allows me to automatically translate what my interlocutor tells me in his native language. Convenient… !

- Martin, it gets a little warm here, I switch the live to Moscow.

- OK, no problem, I take the opportunity to do some interviews during this time!

Six months later, StreetCitizen receives the international prize for journalistic innovation. On stage, holograms of correspondents from Mexico City, Toronto, Dakar and Beijing.

Sitting in my chair, I smile. No doubt, the media of the future have taken over.

#TousJournalistes. "

  • Journalism
  • Journalist
  • Information
  • Connected objects
  • Future (s)
  • Media