What will the news look like in 2050? - Pixabay

Infobesity, fake news , undermined independence, speed of flows ... The media are the subject of strong criticism. At a time when information is proliferating and technologies are changing the way we learn, they must reaffirm their role in order to be the guarantor of reliable and verified information. So what will the media look like in 2050?

As part of Media and Citizens, a major consultation launched by Bluenove with nine partner media including 20 Minutes , we are publishing the contributions from the Bright Mirror workshops which have been held all over France since December 2019. Maëllie Launay tells us what would happen if the virtual became hyperconnected to the real.

TV channels and newspapers disappeared

"It is January 15, 2050. An alert sounds from my smartphone ..." Kala? Could you read the last notification please? "Kala, my virtual assistant, connected to all of the digital surfaces in my apartment, wakes up to answer me:" Reading the last notification ... Nicolas Rivier, your favorite journalist, is live from London, for the inauguration of the connected forest. "

What good news ! I put on my VR headset and open the LibraNews app. My grandmother would be so surprised by the evolution of the transmission of information ... At the time, journalists often depended on newspapers, television channels or radio programs ... Today, all these mediums have disappeared! "

The future of journalism?

“On LibraNews , journalists offer their content directly via the app. Their remuneration is set according to the number of monthly articles, the reliability rate and the number of reactions from readers (like, sharing, comment, etc.). OMFN ( World Organization of Fake News ) classifies news according to three levels of reliability: verified, pending or non-verifiable. Users geolocated near the facts also receive a notification, which will confirm the info, or declare it in " fake news ".

On LibraNews , everyone can customize their preferences according to their desires! Any info on China? On the news of your city? On the last film released in VR-cinema? It's simple: select the themes on which you want to learn, and follow only the reports and interviews of your favorite journalists.

And for level 1 alerts, the OMFN displays the information via a pop-up on the home page of the app and contacts the people near the alert, so that they can react quickly to the emergency. It's a bit like the Netflix of the news, with an adjustable subscription depending on the number of journalists and themes to which we wish to subscribe, ranging from 10 to 49 euros per month… ”

All the info revealed from her sofa

“As soon as my helmet was put on, I was projected virtually into the midst of Londoners, at the forefront for the inauguration of the connected forest. The culmination of 20 long years of work…. Armed with a multitude of sensors that allow a 360 reconstruction of the scene and a pair of connected glasses,

Nicolas Rivier allows me to be at the heart of the event, while being comfortably installed on my sofa in Paris. The journalist comments on the event live, stating clear figures and the medium and long-term benefits of this initiative. When suddenly, a new alert reaches me in the background…

It's time to log into my virtual workspace. I press "pause", add the news to favorites, and come back to the present moment, there, on my sofa. I can watch the rest of it from LibraNews replay , which lists all of my favorites as well as the list of the latest news from the journalists to whom I subscribed. "


Ultra-connected, unreal… Media in the eye of readers

  • Journalism
  • Fake Off
  • New technologies
  • Future (s)
  • Information
  • Connected objects
  • Media