The British artist Banksy has installed a nativity scene in which the family of Jesus of Nazareth appears in a traditional representation, but instead of in a stable he is in front of several concrete pieces such as those used for the construction of the Israeli wall of the West Bank . The star on the birth is a hole in the wall caused by the impact of a projectile.

The work has appeared with the already traditional mystery that surrounds Banksy in the Walled-Off Hotel in Bethlehem , in the West Bank occupied by Israel. In this hotel owned by Banksy itself that has been operating for two years, each and every room overlooks the Israeli separation wall.

The new work bears the title of 'The scar of Bethlehem' and it shows graffiti painted on the wall with words like love in English or peace in French after the figures of Saint Joseph, the Virgin Mary, the Child Jesus and the mule and the ox.

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Israel began building the West Bank wall in 2000, during the Second Intifada, formally to prevent the infiltration of Palestinian suicide bombers. Approximately 9% of the West Bank - about 25,000 people - is separated from the rest of the Palestinian area due to the wall.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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