The prediction is that the extinguishing work will take all day. In addition to the fire damage, the property can be expected to be damaged by the smoke and the extinguishing water.

- The cause is still unclear, it's burning in the ceiling and on the wind. No one is injured but the extinguishing work is still going on, says Östgötateatern's manager Nils Poletti to the Culture News.

Administration and technology have their spaces in the fire-affected part of the theater, and there should also be a fabric store in that part of the building.

- We do Faust II, so I don't know if this is a divine or diabolical intervention from higher powers. If we are lucky it will be as planned anyway, says theater manager Nils Poletti.

The Art Nouveau building was inaugurated in 1908 and was designed by architect Axel Anderberg.