In Germany, many animal shelters are working to ensure that no creatures lie under the tree at Christmas: in this year, too, they will forego the mediation of their inhabitants before and after the holidays.

From 19 to 27 December, no animals would be delivered, said a spokeswoman for the Berlin shelter of the German Press Agency. "It's about preventing impulse gifts." This means gifts that are thoughtlessly chosen, perhaps for lack of other ideas or without consultation with the family at short notice.

If, after a short time, the gift turns out to be a bad idea, it can result in the pet being returned to the home after Christmas or, in the worst case, being abandoned.

The placement stop showed already in previous years successes: In Bremen landed after the holidays significantly less unwanted rabbits, hamsters or budgies in the home. "One used to be able to start Christmas Eve and collect the abandoned animals," said a spokeswoman for the Bremen animal shelter.

In many homes, you can, despite the mediation stop to seek the purchase of a pet - and think about the decision in peace.