The terrible massacre in the Christian churches in Sri Lanka (and when - on the holiest day for Western Christianity!) Shook his horror. A series of explosions, suicide bombers, temples and hotels, hundreds of victims ... The world has not seen a terrorist attack of such magnitude for a long time.

Americans compare it to 9/11, from September 11, 2001, but the differences are striking. In September 2001, incredible means were used for the terrorist attack, never - either before or after - not used. Then the perpetrators were immediately indicated, although the arguments were very dubious - for example, the unpaved passports of the aircraft hijackers, who easily survived the fire and the explosion and went to the police as a whole. Immediately after the collapse of the twin towers, the United States gathered to march - seized Afghanistan and Iraq and lit a fire in the Middle East.

This time is the opposite. The attacks are well recognized and do not contain anything mythical. And yet ... The Western press does not call, and does not even hint at a word about the terrorist performers. You can read The New York Times or the Washington Post, the English The Guardian or the French Le Monde - you get the impression that the attack was staged by little green men from the planet Nibiru. Nowhere are killers called. In one of the rare columns where the perpetrators are trying to find the perpetrators, a Muslim woman from Sri Lanka reproaches the authorities of the island for their inadequate care for Muslims and Christians. In both!

Of course, not everything immediately becomes obvious. In Sri Lanka, its own, domestic terrorism was a lot. Two large communities of the island - Sinhalese Buddhists and Tamils ​​Hindu - waged a long civil war and with might and main used suicide bombers. Only to this attack on Christians are those terrorists obviously not involved. Christians on the island are not many to cause a similar reaction.

In the prevailing atmosphere of secretion, RT is again a ray of light in a dark realm.

This is the only major information channel, which reported that the three terrorists known to us at this hour were Muslim names. And not just names - the trail leads to returnees from Syria. To the takfirist terrorists from the "Islamic State" *. By the same, which fed, supported and encouraged the United States, England, France and Israel. About whom they cried when they were kicked out of Aleppo and from other bridgeheads. Which they saved and transferred to Europe, and from there the way to Sri Lanka was opened.

Russia helped Bashar Assad and the overwhelming majority of the Syrian people defeat this plague, while in the West they said: “Assad must leave!” And defended the “moderate rebels” with all the might of the 6th Fleet. Indeed, lately we are learning more and more how the CIA secret service and its sisters nurtured and strengthened this infection in Syria, in Iraq, and in Libya, using it to destroy the states of the Middle East and North Africa.

We find out how the head of the CIA showed fake pictures of dead birds in order to incite the gullible Trump to Russia, who allegedly poured England with “Novice”.

After all, the second and important goal of the Anglo-American operation in Salisbury was to strengthen the fantasies about the chemical attacks in Syria, from which the unfortunate Takfiris suffered. Therefore, they are now silencing the trail leading from Colombo to Syria, where the Americans continue to transfer the surviving Takfiris from the last enclaves to Europe.

There are other signs. Power structures in Europe continue to mass transfer the population of the Middle East to Europe - against the will of the peoples. The Middle East needs its own specialists, namely, specialists are the first to flee to Europe. Europe needs its own citizens, and they should not be replaced. And in the resulting explosive mixture, takfirists grown in Syria and Iraq easily find refuge.

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In order to shake civil war and conflict, the special forces of the USA and Western Europe at the same time encourage both the monsters who shot the mosques in New Zealand and the animals bombed "in response" to the church in Colombo.

Russia's position seems sane and sustained. Russia stands for the full return of Syrian refugees to their homeland, to Syria: the war is over there and the country needs to be rebuilt. Russian specialized agencies have completely stopped accepting refugees from allied Syria. Russia helps the legitimate government of Damascus to finish off the shortages, despite the objections of Washington, Paris and London.

In Russia, as in the Middle East, Muslims live together with the Orthodox from time immemorial, and therefore the Russians are not afraid to evoke unwanted emotions when they fight against Islamist fanatics. We know that the overwhelming majority of Muslims support this fight with fanatics. And therefore we do not need the tactics of the ostrich, resorted to in the West.

* “Islamic State” (IG, ISIL) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.