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A Bamberg Passion nativity scene shows the journey of Jesus with the cross: On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the suffering and death of Jesus

Photo: Pia Bayer/dpa

Maundy Thursday – Day of the Last Supper

On Maundy Thursday, Christians commemorate the last meal that Jesus had with his disciples the evening before his death. According to tradition in the Bible, Christ is then betrayed and captured by Judas. The day symbolizes the union of Christ with believers. This day marks the beginning of Jesus' suffering and death, the Passion. After mass, flowers, jewelry and candles are often removed from the church. Whether the “green” in the name actually goes back to the Middle High German word “greinen” (to lament) is controversial.

The Easter holidays are considered the first peak season of the year for the tourism industry. For many Germans, Maundy Thursday is already a travel day, with many setting off on short trips or visiting family. They then often find themselves stuck in traffic jams or cramming themselves to the fullest by the afternoon at the latest.

Good Friday – day of repentance and prayer

On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the suffering and death of Jesus. According to biblical tradition, on this day the Son of God was condemned in Jerusalem for sedition and blasphemy and crucified on Calvary Hill. Since early Christianity, the Friday before Easter has been celebrated as a quiet day of repentance, fasting and prayer. The name is derived from the Old High German word “kara,” which means mourning or lamentation.

Good Friday is considered a so-called silent holiday in Germany. Markets, sports and music events are restricted. For some partygoers this is annoying, as in some places there is even a ban on dancing.

Holy Saturday – Day of Repose of the Grave

Holy Saturday is the day of Christ's burial. It is often referred to as Easter Saturday. Holy Saturday is considered a day of quiet mourning and rest. Church bells can hardly be heard. But the queues in the supermarkets are even longer. Because Holy Saturday is not a public holiday, many people use the opportunity to shop.

In normal years, the first Easter celebrations begin in the evening with church services and Easter bonfires. The fires also have a pagan tradition: they were supposed to drive away winter. With the Christianization of Central Europe, the cult was reinterpreted by the church. The fires therefore represent the joy of the resurrection.

Easter Sunday – Feast of the Resurrection of Christ

Easter is the most important Christian festival. On Easter Sunday, Jesus overcame death and thereby fulfilled his divine mission of redemption on earth. The Council of Nicaea set the date in 325 so that Easter always falls on the Sunday after the first full moon of spring. Easter concludes the 40-day Lent (Passion Season). At the beginning of the celebration, Easter fires and candles are blessed as symbols of light for life.

Easter Monday – Day of the Emmaus Walk

According to the biblical Gospel of Luke, two disciples encountered a stranger on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Only when the stranger shared bread with them at a table did they recognize him as Jesus Christ. Theologians read from the story that faith is a challenge because it was only this encounter that convinced the disciples of the divine miracle. They returned to Jerusalem and spread the message of the Lord's resurrection there. This led to the custom of the Emmaus walk on the second day of Easter, which also became a secular Easter walk.

Traditionally, people not only walk around Easter time, but also demonstrate: at the Easter March. Its roots lie in the protest against the nuclear arms race during the Cold War. Hundreds of thousands attended the marches in 1968 and 1983. In the years that followed, the movement lost popularity.

This article was first published on April 8, 2023.
