• Roald Dahl Trial and business

Ladybird, the London publisher that has embodied the tradition of classic children's stories for English-language readers since the 1860s, has commissioned a committee of

"sensitive readers"

on issues of discrimination and identity to produce a report critical of

La Belle. Sleeper, Cinderella

and other traditional texts.

The newspaper

The Telegraph

has advanced some of the conclusions of the report, which range from the formal to the essential.

Readers hired by Ladybird have detected the predictable absence of racialized and LGTBI characters and inclusive language and have noted that obese and elderly characters tend to act as villains and that there is a class bias in many plots: the princes are good, the taverns, bad

Regarding the essence, Ladybird already has a document that says that

the representation of the crush at first sight in her stories tends to create toxic idealizations

of falling in love.

Penguin is a label owned by the Penguin group, although partly independently managed.

In November 2014, the publisher joined the

Let Books Be Books

campaign , pledging to stop categorizing books as "for girls" and "for boys".

The news appears as an extension of the Roald Dahl case: two weeks ago, Pufin Books, also part of Penguin, had to rectify

a policy of corrected reissues of the author of

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

due to criticism


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • literature