Everyone says: Biden is senile, Biden is senile, but I think that it doesn’t matter if Biden is senile or not.

I say, the Thing controls, and who was put there to speak on its behalf - what's the difference.

As it turns out, even Liz Truss can be planted, albeit not for long.

In principle, I think that the first artificial intelligence in history should win some elections soon.

They will draw some kind of deepfake, Siri will voice speeches.

The main thing is not who speaks, but on whose behalf.

Biden said that Elon Musk should be checked for cooperation with foreigners - it's not because he is a senile, he said.

But because the forces on whose behalf he speaks are very hurt about Twitter.

Well you know.

Twitter in the United States is the main information resource, a key tool for propaganda, and, in simple terms, for fooling the masses.

The Democrats held the suit in it and did not give anyone a descent.

You write something about Hunter Biden's laptop - and here you have "content moderation", that is, in a simple way, they shut your mouth.

When creative journalists wrote about jobless hard workers “learn to code” (it was such a popular hashtag), everything was okay, but as soon as the same hashtag turned against the creative journalists themselves, the hashtag was immediately banned.

Well, that is how.

There are no restrictions anywhere

and there is "content moderation".

Trump's account has been deleted.

Well, now Musk bought Twitter, promising that he would return freedom of opinion and expression to it.

What will come of it and if it will turn out even worse, I don’t know, but right now the Democrats from Musk are sculpting a fascist - well, in fact, you can’t just allow people to tweet what they think like that.

No "content moderation".

Although here I must still admit that in this case I absolutely support Biden.

It would be time to check Elon Musk.

That is, in general - not just for cooperation with foreigners, but in the broadest sense to check.

I would, however, start with Biden himself.

Who is he collaborating with?

With the Chinese, maybe?

And what about cooperation with the fascist Kyiv regime?

And not even now, but earlier, earlier - within the framework of the activities of Burisma, for example.

What if, if you start checking, something else interesting will come out?

And anyway, why only with foreigners?

It's kind of petty.

How about cooperation with the deep state?

With Rockefellers and Rothschilds?

With reptilians, finally?

I have big suspicions when I look at Biden: are you a reptilian for an hour, dear man?

However, perhaps my initial guess is correct and before us is not a person at all, but the first prototype of artificial intelligence in the office of the President of the United States.

Well, the prototype - that's why it freezes sometimes, and moves a little more inhumanly, like a robot, and sometimes says strange things ... So it's just a program that's buggy.

However, okay, Musk is Musk.

Let there be Musk.

The mask can also be checked.

I would check.

Well, first of all, I just can’t believe in a fairy tale about a successful businessman who from scratch became the richest man in America.

Here, you know, as in the old joke: I bought an apple, baked, sold, bought two, baked, sold, bought three, and then my grandmother died and left me an inheritance.

Everything that I know about the economy of mature and late capitalism suggests that there is no big money earned by talent and hard work.

All the big money from one apple was earned back in the 19th century, and then only if the grandmother died.

Or the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds threw it.

Or intelligence agencies.

So, whose money Musk manages, I would check.

It might turn out amazing.

And why did he buy Twitter, I would also check.

It's hard for me to believe that a heroic superhero, for completely idealistic reasons, spends his money on making more freedom and democracy work better.

And what does "their" mean?

I tell you, such money is not one's own, behind such money there are large, serious groups of influence.

And it’s unlikely that Trump is hiding behind Musk’s back.

Does not look like it.

But who?

And what do they want?



Yep, three times.

Tell your grandmother.

In general, it would be great to check the Musk - what's the matter all the same.

Although it would be better to start with Biden himself.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.