"The Rock President" is not for now, and it will probably never happen.

In any case, this was announced by Dwayne Johnson, the real name of the former wrestler.

While more than half of Americans were in favor of the actor's candidacy according to a poll published last year, he apparently decided to devote himself to something else: his children.

“It's not in my plans.

Yes, that's out of the question.

I'll tell you, because it requires the B side of the thing.

I love our country and everyone who lives there.

But I also love being a dad.

And that's the most important thing to me, being a number one dad, especially right now, this critical time in my daughters' lives," he told CBS.

Watch them grow

Dwayne Johnson has three daughters: Simone (21), Jasmine (seven) and Tiana (four).

The actor does not want to reproduce with his two youngest children what he did when his eldest was young to succeed in his career by becoming one of the most popular actors of the last 10 years.

"I know what it's like to be on the road and to be so busy, because I was away for many years as my first daughter grew up at this critical age, at this critical time in her life. life.

And that is what the presidency means.

So my number one priority is my daughters,” the star added.

If he has been approached by many political figures over the years, Dwayne Johnson will therefore not start for a while.

Probably not before all her daughters leave the family home!


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  • Dwayne Johnson

  • US presidential election

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