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  • Today, "Little, I wanted to marry you" by Mehtap Teke, published on August 17, 2022 by Éditions Viviane Hamy.

Christian Dorsan, novelist, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes

Books reading group

, recommends

Petite, I wanted to marry you

by Mehtap Teke, published on August 17, 2022 by Éditions Viviane Hamy.

His favorite quote:

"As always, my fantasy of you is life-saving!"

He helps me escape from an existence that is far from meeting my excessive expectations;

it allows me to survive a daily life that is not up to my ambitions.


Why this book?

  • Because it's a declaration of love from a little girl

    to her father.

    True tutelary figure of the family, it is her itinerary that she tells us through these lines and her attachment to him.

    A difficult life started in Anatolia alongside a protective father, all the way to Belgium, a country of refuge.

  • Because it is also a human story made up of battles

    and silences, a family story and the social ascent acquired through work and self-sacrifice.

    The father made a promise to his: to leave Anatolia for a better life.

    The narrator's turn to leave Belgium to live out her ambitions and beyond these trips, the guilt of leaving those we love.

  • Because we can sometimes reproach a style that is too affected,

    but how not to be so when it hides behind this love: the fear of suffering from the disappearance of loved ones.

    “It seems that life is made to be rejected, so that the outcome it offers is more easily accepted.


The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot.

As a child, the narrator understands her father's sadness at her grandfather's grave.

As an adult, she needs to tell her story and tell him all the love and respect she has for him.


The narrator, the father, tutelary figure of the family, the memory of the grandparents.


Anatolia and Belgium.

The time.


The author.

Mehtap Teke traveled for work and settled in Dubai for several years.

Passionate about literature, she wrote her first novel, inspired by the life of her parents.

This book was read

as a declaration of love, impressed by this girl who thinks her father is her soul mate and by the journey of this family.

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