Europe 1 Archives SEASON 2023 - 2024 05:45 a.m., January 30, 2024

[ARCHIVE EUROPE 1 - The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare] One night, Vicenza and Pino wander through the streets of the town of Poisat, near Grenoble. This March 19, 1958, one of them will die. However, just a few months ago, the couple loved each other passionately... Their story begins in their village in Sicily at the end of the 1930s. As children, the two friends from neighboring villages knew each other well. Then, Pino joined his sister in France, in Grenoble, to work there. This is an opportunity for him to escape poverty. But when he returns to the village, he meets the beautiful Vicenza again. The young girl has changed a lot and very quickly, the two Sicilians fall in love. Vicenza's father then promises a dowry to the in-laws to seal this union. In reality, he is riddled with debt and cannot honor his promise. The marriage then broke up. Vincenza is desperate. Especially since Pino, in the meantime, has gone back to work in France. She then decides to join him but her lover has changed a lot: he has become sensitive to the charm of French women... Very quickly, the young woman becomes pregnant and Pino, who had started to dream of another life, is stuck. When Vicenza understands that he will not marry her and that she is dishonored, she sees no other solution than to eliminate him. For his part, Pino can no longer bear the conflicts with Vicenza. That night of March 19, 1958, rage rose within him, he wanted to put an end to her. Pierre Bellemare tells this incredible story in this episode of the podcast “The extraordinary stories of Pierre Bellemare”, from the Europe 1 archives and produced by Europe 1 Studio.


Production and musical composition: Julien Tharaud

Production: Sébastien Guyot

Sound heritage: Sylvaine Denis, Laetitia Casanova, Antoine Reclus

Writing and distribution: Lisa Soster

Creation of the visual: Sidonie Mangin

Thanks to Roselyne Bellemare and Mariapia Bracchi-Bellemare