At 14:00 on June 13, the water level of the Xijiang Wuzhou Hydrological Station was 20.29 meters, exceeding the warning level by 1.79 meters, and the water level of the Xijiang River was still rising.

According to the news from the Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province, affected by the upstream water, the main stream of the Xijiang River has risen significantly. At 20:00 on the 12th, the water level of the Wuzhou Hydrological Station of the Xijiang River rose to 18.52 meters (warning water level 18.5 meters), reaching the Ministry of Water Resources "National The standard of "Regulations on Flood Numbering of Major Rivers" is numbered "No. 3 Flood of Xijiang River in 2022".

On the same day, Wuzhou City launched an urban flood control IV (level 4) emergency response.

The picture shows the scene of the flood besieged city in Wuzhou, Guangxi on June 12.

Photo by He Huawen

Release time: 2022-06-13 19:08:52 【Editor: Li Jun】