Carole Ferry, edited by Juline Garnier 1:48 p.m., April 05, 2022

Twelve days before Easter and while supermarket shelves are filling up with chocolate eggs, Ferrero is recalling several tons of its Kinder chocolates.

21 cases of salmonellosis have been identified by the General Directorate of Health, including 15 cases declared after the consumption of these famous confectioneries.

A few days before Easter, a bad surprise was hiding in Kinder eggs.

One of the biggest sellers in the sector, Ferrero, is recalling several tonnes of its chocolates because of 21 cases of salmonellosis recorded by the Directorate General of Health, including 15 cases declared after their consumption. 

This recall affects a number of products.

These are Kinder Surprise eggs sold by one, three, four or six and which have an expiry date between June and October 2022. Kinder schokobon and Mini eggs are also in the list, with an expiry date included between the end of April and the end of August 2022. Finally, Happy Moments, Kinder Mix, stuffed animals, buckets and baskets are also being recalled.

In all, several tons of products will be withdrawn.

The health investigation is still ongoing

For people who have already bought them, it is not recommended to eat them.

You must take a picture of these products before throwing them away and then request a refund from Ferrero.

For the moment, there is no proven link between the consumption of these products and contamination.

But there is a suspicion, because all the people who have been interviewed so far have in common that they have eaten Kinder eggs, essentially children around the age of four.

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However, salmonella was not found in the products tested in France, nor in the Belgian factory that manufactured them.

The health investigation of the institutions is continuing.

The symptoms of salmonellosis are gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting or diarrhea.

If you fear having consumed it, it is advisable to consult your doctor without delay, specifying what you have eaten.