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Is it bad to have to defecate when you're out and about or at the weekend with your friend?

Can the intestinal wall tear during anal sex?

And what can you do "wrong" in the toilet when squatting, pressing and cleaning up?


The Berlin coloproctologist Skander Bouassida gives up on these and others - not at all embarrassing!

- Answer questions.

He is chief physician at the Coloproctology Clinic at the Vivantes Humboldt Clinic in Berlin.

“Embarrassing - doesn't exist”

is the podcast that breaks body taboos.

Compulsions, buttocks hygiene, pain during sex - these are topics that hardly anyone likes to talk about openly.

Knowledge editor Clara Ott wants to change that.

In her podcast “Embarrassing - doesn't exist” she asks experts, doctors and psychologists the questions that many do not dare to ask.

Because silence is often worse than shame.


Embarrassing questions that Clara Ott should ask experts in the podcast are welcome to clara.ott@welt.de.

This article was first published in September 2020.