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Video duration 02 minutes 06 seconds 02:06

German Professor Hermann Brenner said that colon cancer is one of the common cancers, as it is the second most common cancer in women and the third in men.

The expert at the German Cancer Research Center explained that the risk factors leading to colon cancer are genetic factors, advanced age (50 years and above), and an unhealthy lifestyle such as obesity due to unhealthy nutrition and lack of movement, in addition to smoking and drinking. The wine.

Symptoms of colon cancer are changes in the color and shape of the stool, such as the color of the stool changing to red or black or taking the shape of a pencil, in addition to severe abdominal pain and alternating between constipation and diarrhea, in addition to unexplained weight loss, feeling tired and exhausted, and decreased blood flow. The ability to make an effort.

Brenner stressed the need to consult a doctor as soon as you notice these symptoms to conduct the necessary medical examinations and undergo timely treatment such as stool tests and colonoscopy, which also makes it possible to remove the initial stages of cancer cells.

In advanced cases, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are used.

Source: German