In the spotlight: a confined November 11

Audio 04:18

(illustration) The tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

REUTERS / Charles Platiau

By: Frédéric Couteau Follow

9 min



Two years after the sumptuous celebration of the end of the First World War during his 'memorial roaming' in the east and the north of France, it is in very small committee,


Le Figaro, that the president of the République closes this Wednesday the page of 100 years of the Great War.

Coronavirus requires, only about thirty people will participate in the ceremony this year, where Emmanuel Macron will commemorate another centenary: that of the installation of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, placed under the vault of the Arc de triomphe on November 11, 1920.


So, continues

Le Figaro

, “ 

unlike 2018, the president will not take advantage of the ceremony at Place de l'Étoile to deliver a major speech.

On the other hand, he will do it a few hours later, at the Pantheon, during the tribute he will pay to the fighting writer Maurice Genevoix at the end of the day.

'The president wants to bring the idea of ​​a real continuity, beyond the century that separates them, between those of 14 and those of 2020',

explains an adviser

, taking the title of one of the works of the late academician.

'The continuity is that our soldiers, today, fight - and die - for the values ​​of France.

In 1914, democracies faced empires,

continues this adviser


Today, democracies - and especially ours - face the pandemic, separatism, terrorism ... Basically, we are fighting for the same values.


A miracle vaccine?

The battle against the pandemic precisely, with the glimmer of hope represented by this famous vaccine announced by Pfizer ...

Many newspapers return to it this morning, including

Le Parisien


The progress is undeniable, underlines the newspaper, even if there are still steps to be taken.


The performance is good to have obtained such results only a year after the onset of the disease,


Le Parisien.

To overcome the plague, it took 600 years.

For AIDS, treatment appeared after 30 years.

And still no vaccine.

What has changed is the use of new technologies, starting with the unimaginable power of computers.

It took 6 years to discover the infectious agent of AIDS.

For the Covid, 6 days

, further underlines the newspaper.

The combination of biology and computer science has made it possible to work miracles. 



Le Parisien

reminds us

, there are still steps before it can be marketed in the course of next year.

The Parisian

who also wonders: "should 

this vaccine be made compulsory?"

 "Yes, answers the newspaper:" 

when we know that curing a Covid patient who has been in intensive care costs the community from 50,000 to 60,000 euros, the question of compulsory vaccination cannot not arise one day.



But once again, be careful, we must not skip the steps, say

The Latest News from Alsace

: “ 

in the absence of a detailed and transparent study, we can only form a personal opinion on this vaccine.

There has been no scientific debate on the figures revealed when it is use and a form of security before the officialization of a discovery.

(…) Urgency is no excuse for the runaway, with sometimes tragic effects, further points out the Alsatian daily life.

We have to go quickly against the Covid, of course, but with no certainty.


Recovery of the economy: consultation and anticipation!

In any case, time is running out: this vaccine represents a tremendous hope in terms of public health, of course, but also for whole sectors of the economy ...

And for

Le Monde

, it is necessary to “ 

recalibrate the stimulus plan announced at the beginning of September (in France), in a context where the prospect of a second reconfinement seemed excluded.

Without abandoning its long-term objectives, this plan must also focus on more immediate measures, to encourage consumption by the less privileged households and more directly stimulate the investment capacity of companies.



Le Monde, the announcement of Pfizer (…) suggests a glimmer of hope.

But the challenge is such that it will take several months to materialize.

Until then,

points out the daily evening,

it will be necessary to hold on by constantly improving the link between health and economy, in consultation and anticipation.

Two dimensions that have been sorely lacking so far. 



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