In the spotlight: the disappearance of ATT

Audio 04:12

Lieutenant-Colonel Amadou Toumani Touré has just taken power by overthrowing President Moussa Traoré.

March 29, 1991. AP Photo / Alistair Sinclair

By: Frédéric Couteau Follow

9 min


The former Malian president, Amadou Toumani Touré, therefore died on the night of Monday to Tuesday in Turkey, where he had gone to be treated for heart problems.

Avalanche of reactions of course in the Malian press and beyond this morning.

Rain of tribute for the soldier and the democrat,

 " exclaims

Le Républicain Mali



Malians learned with great sorrow of the death of Amadou Toumani Touré.

Several political leaders, friends and acquaintances testified to the love and constant commitment of the children's friend to the cause of the motherland.

Affectionately known as 'ATT', the man passed away for good at the age of 72.

Its various development projects will remain forever etched in the collective memory



A man of peace ...


Farewell, man of peace!

 », Launches

Le Pays

, still in Bamako.


The child of Soudou Baba, the soldier of the Malian democracy, the Hogon, the great builder, the man of peace… ATT is gone forever.

Malians will no longer hear his teases and jokes.

The one who embodied peace, living together in Mali has died out.

The cousin to everyone, the children's friend is gone.

He rejoined his ancestors after having spent his entire life in the service of development and peace in Mali and elsewhere.



 For the majority of Malians, ATT will remain one of the best presidents Mali has ever known,"

says the online daily


Under his presidency, many road works have seen the light of day, particularly in the capital Bamako.

During the 10 years of its power, Mali knew a dead calm in the political field where no opposition was known to it.

His popularity was manifested in December 2017 on his return from exile in Dakar.

It was a huge crowd of great days who had come out to show him their sympathy and gratitude.

The Dakar exile was a hard test for this man who deeply loved his country and his people.


... but not without criticism

A few shadows in this beautiful picture, however ...


recalls the corruption that reigned during his ten years in the presidency: “ 

to be sure to re-emerge for a second term, ATT let it go and abandoned Mali in the hands of the most ruthless predators of its history.

It was even a blank check that he granted them when he declared, on ORTM, the Malian national television, that he would not humiliate any head of family who had embezzled public money by putting him in prison. 


And then another indelible task, underlines




ATT abandoned the Malian army in complete decrepitude, an army of sons of leaders who will flee like rabbits frightened by the advance of the jihadists.

This fault, ATT will pay it in cash on March 22, 2012, when soldiers almost killed him following a coup d'état when he only had, in principle, only two months left before the presidential elections of May 2012 . 



in Burkina wants to see the glass half full: “ 

perfection is not of this human world, ATT is far from being without flaws.

But it is he who, after sweeping the house, allowed Mali to experience its first real democratic election and then its first democratic alternation, in 2002. 


With Ouattara, Macron "

tied up


Also on the front page is this article from Le

Canard Enchaîné

in France on Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, who has just been re-elected, an article which is already causing many reactions on social networks ...

We can read in this article in Le

Canard in particular

this remark attributed to a senior official of the Quai d'Orsay: " 

proclaiming oneself elected out of hand, when we know very well that entire regions have not had access at the polling stations, we did not expect it. 


Comment from Le


: “ 

At 78, by stifling the opposition and bypassing the constitution, Alassane Ouattara managed to hold on for a third term.


Le Canard

which also recalls that Emmanuel Macron had informed his counterpart in early September that" 

the scenario of a third term, not provided for by the Constitution, did not delight him.

'Macron is all the more embarrassed about the workings, confides a specialist in the case interviewed by the weekly, that the French base in Abidjan is of capital importance for the logistics of Operation Barkhane in the Sahel.

In short, he concludes,

Macron is tied up '.



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  • Amadou Toumani Toure