Banyan Village is located in Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County, Haidong City, Qinghai Province. It is a traditional Tu village.

There are 8 communes in Banyan Village, with a total of 369 households with 1,396 people. Among them, 129 households and 484 people in the fifth and sixth communes lived in Shantou, and the poverty rate was as high as 56%.

Difficulties in traveling, drinking water, going to school, and seeking medical treatment... these "difficult" problems have long plagued the villagers in Banyan Village.

  In 2016, Banyan Village, located deep in the mountains, started the relocation project.

Today, four years later, I moved out of Banyan Village in the poor mountain nest, relying on the development of the national characteristic industrial economy, realizing a new look, and step by step on the road of poverty alleviation and prosperity.

Editor in charge: [Li Peiyun]