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Billie / Unsplash

Sex, pee….

and cystitis.

Why can you have a UTI with a new sexual partner?

Corinne Isnard Bagnis, doctor, professor of nephrology at Sorbonne University, deputy head of department at the Parisian hospital of Pitié-Salpêtrière (AP-HP) responds today in

Tout sexiquer

, the intimate meeting of the

Minute Papillon




Corinne Isnard Bagnis publishes 

Impossible Miction

(Editions du Rocher, 17.90 euros), a work to discover the kidneys, these discrete organs which ensure, on a daily basis, functions of elimination.

While we urinate about 20,000 to 30,000 times in our life, this act is very trivial.

But if a grain of sand gets in the cogs, the pain can become intense.

Among them, the sensation of razor blades when urinating: it is cystitis, which affects women more often than men.

Origin of cystitis

Where does this urinary infection come from?

In this audio interview, to listen to in the player above, the doctor explains that “it comes from our bacteria, located between the vulva and the anus, and which come most of the time from our digestive tract, and which go up through the urethral canal, the rather short little canal that goes from the bladder to the outside ”.

The nephrologist recalls that cystitis “is not a sexually transmitted disease.

It is not the partner who gives this infection.

"Before stressing that" there are important links between sex life and cystitis in women, related to friction and irritation caused during sexual relations.

To discover Corinne Isnard Bagnis' explanations on the kidneys, the origin of cystitis, ways to treat them, and why you should not refrain from going to the bathroom, it's as simple as a click in the audio player.

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  • Urine