Wearing a mask is compulsory in Montpellier - N. Bonzom / Maxele Presse

Since August 23, wearing a mask is mandatory in Montpellier (Hérault) and in 23 towns in the metropolis. But the measure, put in place by the prefect to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, is it respected by the inhabitants?

# COVID19 Let's protect each other.
😷 #Recall Wearing a mask is compulsory in the city of Montpellier, for people over 11 years old.
👉 https://t.co/uumOMBvuXZ pic.twitter.com/qlJ7Uz5Zfm

- City of Montpellier (@montpellier_) August 27, 2020

In the city center, yes, overall found 20 minutes . Some wear it badly, mostly under the nose, but almost all of those we met on the Place de la Comédie wore a mask. " This is completely normal. And then, the signs, you can not miss them, "notes a Montpellier, pointing to the posters which invite passers-by to respect the measure. "Oh good, even outside? I thought it was only in closed spaces, ”wonders a tourist, without a mask, called to order on the Charles-de-Gaulle esplanade.

"The recalcitrant, we find them more on social networks"

"There are two ways of knowing if the wearing of a mask is respected," confides Jacques Witkowski, the prefect of Hérault. First, the statistics. Are there many violations noted? The answer is no. And then there is the way we perceive public space. And we realize that the mask is relatively well worn in Montpellier. "" We walked with the municipal police and when we proceeded, here and there, to a reminder on this subject, people apologized immediately, and put it back very spontaneously, continues the mayor Michaël Delafosse (PS). We did not encounter any mistrust. When they are reminded to wear the mask, people have the reflex to take it out of their pocket, or to go and buy it at the pharmacy. There are always some holdouts, but we find them more on social networks than in the public space. "

There are some recalcitrant, yes. One of them even stood out a few days ago: a 50-year-old Montpellier resident decided to take legal action against the prefectural decree, pointing out the constraint and the cost that this imposes on them. citizens.

No numbers

In the field, the national and municipal police ensure that this obligation is respected in the Escutcheon. In case of violation, it can cost 135 euros to the offender. But neither the prefecture, nor the town hall, wished to give figures of offenses.

However, the town hall indicates that for the moment, the agents are mainly demonstrating pedagogy and awareness on this subject, and only verbalize in the event of a categorical refusal to hide. In addition, a dozen “mask-wearing ambassadors”, commissioned by the town hall, crisscross the city to spread the word.


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  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Covid 19
  • Montpellier
  • Society
  • Coronavirus