In 1993 I had completed my university studies and started to engage in practical life, and due to my interest in the issue of teaching and learning I volunteered during the evening in a literacy project, and the project was aimed at adults who did not attend school and could not read and write, and the curriculum was aimed at teaching them reading, writing and mathematical operations The principles of geography, and how happy the teachers were when a group graduated and became able to read, and it was able to read any document and sign it instead of "stamping" and the imprint without knowing the content of the documents previously.

I remembered that trip when I was reading an important article about Mark Brensky the American writer and speaker who coined some important terms related to digital literacy. In the past, illiteracy was limited to the inability to read and write, but now there are many types of illiteracy, the most important of which is digital illiteracy, which is lack of familiarity With modern technologies and the inability to adapt and benefit from the available technical tools and means, which are the currency used in all countries of the world and even the language in which people speak, Brinsky classifies people into two types: (digital citizens) and (digital immigrants), so the digital citizen is the person The one who was born in the era of technology, the digital immigrant is a person who is learning technology in later life, such as those who were born before 1990 if we assume that the nineties was the beginning of the digital transformation. Digital citizens assume that they speak technology fluently and acquire its science and skills very quickly, while digital migrants take more time, and even when they master the language they have a different dialect and different terms.

If we look around today, we will find that the majority of us are digital immigrants, we still need a lot of learning to erase our digital illiteracy, especially since digital transformation is no longer an option, and if we cannot use internet work technologies such as using “Google Drive” or “Microsoft Times” and “ Zoom "as well as the use of" Dropbox ", as well as protecting our data and digital assets, we will not be able to communicate with the outside world, I suggest that all parties, institutions and schools offer curricula for stakeholders that help them bridge the technical gap they have and acquire digital dealing skills, and ironically, while writing this article rang a bell Section a The deliveryman’s grandfather gives me the ink cartridge for the smart printer and with the container a message from the printer tells me that she requested the ink because the current packaging is close to penetration, and therefore the printer sent the request, this is a vivid example of what we live today and tomorrow holds a lot, and what we considered a path of science fiction in the past Today is the norm.


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