Martine Vassal in February 2020 - Chamussy / Sipa

A letter to the President of the Republic. Martine Vassal, president of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, wrote to Emmanuel Macron to worry about the resumption of school on May 11 as announced by the President of the Republic last week. And repeat this Tuesday by the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer.

"How can we not fear a worsening of the epidemic when the figures, validated almost unanimously by the scientific community evoke 75% of asymptomatic carriers of the virus, mainly in children? In these conditions, how can we imagine a reopening of schools without conditioning it to a systematic and preliminary test of all teachers, pupils and their parents, ”she worries.

"Take the necessary time"

Martine Vassal also wonders about the shortage of masks when educational staff like the students will have to wear them, not to mention the students who will have to keep them all day.

"I am convinced that we must take all the time necessary to work out with National Education the most effective method to protect ourselves against a second wave of pandemic even more serious than the first," she wishes. This Tuesday morning Jean-Michel Blanquer clarified that the kindergarten, CP and CM2 students could resume on 11 May and the 6th and 3rd students on May 18.

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  • Marseille
  • Martine Vassal
  • school
  • National Education
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Society