While more than 450,000 cases of coronavirus are now declared worldwide, the balance sheet for the epidemic in France is 1,331 dead and 2,827 patients in intensive care. On Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron announced new measures to help the population, but also the hospital staff. Follow the situation live.


The assessment of the coronavirus in France is increasing day by day. On Wednesday evening, the Ministry of Health announced that the epidemic had caused an additional 231 deaths, bringing the total to 1,331 since the start of the crisis. More than 25,000 cases are confirmed, and almost 3,000 patients are still in intensive care. Traveling to Mulhouse, in a region particularly affected by the virus, Emmanuel Macron announced new measures, including a "massive investment and upgrading plan" for the hospital. Follow the situation live.

Information to remember:

  • The death toll in France is 1,331 dead since the start of the epidemic
  • Emmanuel Macron promised on Wednesday a "massive investment and upgrading plan" for the hospital
  • Over 450,000 cases are reported worldwide

With 231 additional deaths, the French death toll increases

In France, the toll increased again on Wednesday, with 1,331 deaths in hospital since the start of the epidemic, and 2,827 patients in intensive care, according to figures communicated by the director general of Health Jérôme Salomon. These assessments reflect an increase of 231 deaths and 311 new patients in intensive care compared to the previous day, out of a total of 11,539 hospitalized patients (+1,363) according to Professor Salomon who spoke of an "unprecedented and very critical situation" vis-à-vis the virus.

Emmanuel Macron announces new measures, including a "massive plan" for the hospital

Visiting Wednesday at the Mulhouse Field Military Hospital, the President of the Republic promised that 29,000 tests would be carried out every day in France. Then, at 8 p.m., he announced several measures, including a "massive investment and upgrading plan" for the hospital. He also assured having asked the government "to provide a clear and strong short-term response for all health care workers as for all civil servants mobilized in order to increase the overtime worked and in the form of an exceptional bonus". Finally, Emmanuel Macron announced the launch of the military operation "Resilience", to help the population against the epidemic.

Over 450,000 officially reported cases worldwide

In total, more than 450,000 cases of coronavirus have been officially declared worldwide since the start of the pandemic, according to a count made by AFP from official sources. At least 450,876 cases of infection, among which 20,647 deaths, were detected in 182 countries and territories, in particular in China (81,218 cases, of which 3,821 died), the initial focus of the pandemic, and in Italy (74,386 cases), the country hardest hit in number of deaths with 7,503 deaths.

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The United States is the country where the contagion is progressing most rapidly, with 62,086 officially diagnosed cases (for 869 deaths). In the past week, more than 54,760 new cases have been identified by the health authorities in the country.