Laurent Pietraszewski admitted that the current indicator would not be good - Jacques Witt / SIPA

"A new indicator" from INSEE on "the evolution of average income per capita" will be necessary to calculate the point value of the future pension system, said Secretary of State Laurent Pietraszewski on Friday, the left immediately criticizing "A guilty amateurism".

During a technical debate in committee at the Assembly on the “value of the point”, decisive stake of the reform, Laurent Pietraszewski recalled that it would be indexed on the evolution of average incomes, a calculation a priori more “dynamic” and favorable than indexing to inflation.

One point to revalue them all

This "annual change in average income per capita noted by INSEE", mentioned in article 9 of the bill, is an "indicator" which "today does not exist" and remains "to be created".

“It is interesting to create it, because it is not only the employees who will be affected by this revaluation dynamic. The point will not concern only the employees, but all French people, the income of the self-employed, civil servants. It is therefore fair and objective to constitute an indicator which concerns all these populations ”, he explained.

The consistency indicator

"It is an indicator that will give coherence", he added, "maybe it had to be explained, I do it willingly".

In the bill, it is further stated that the rates of revaluation of the value of the point "cannot be lower than the annual evolution of prices", that is to say "a minimum base on inflation", indicated the co-rapporteur of the text Nicolas Turquois (MoDem), referring to a "reminder belt" as at present. "We cannot cheat you, it is written in the law".

The addition of independents?

This new indicator has sparked a round of criticism of leftist opposition. "It's astonishment. Each time an hour passes, we discover a new hare, "denounced the rebellious Clémentine Autain, while the socialist Boris Vallaud castigated" a guilty amateurism ", basing a model on" an indicator that does not exist ".

On the right, Gilles Carrez (LR) insisted on the integration of "independents" in the new calculation. “You know that a lot of freelancers use dividends today. So I ask the minister to include dividends in the base "of this" average income ". MoDem Jean-Paul Mattei supported this request.


Pension reform: The intersyndicale calls for a new inter-professional day of strikes and demonstrations on February 20


Pension reform: The intersyndicale calls for a new inter-professional day of strikes and demonstrations on February 20

  • Society
  • Insee
  • Retirement
  • Pension reform