Thyme is used in the Mediterranean kitchen, but it also has countless medicinal properties, and it occupies a number of pharmacy shelves with multiple preparations and medicines.

Doctors confirmed to the Health Journal that they use thyme in the field of health and cosmetics, as it is used in many pharmaceutical products.

It can also be used at home to make special treatments close at hand.

Among the characteristics and benefits of thyme:

Antiseptic, thyme is rich in phenols, and has antiseptic and antibiotic and anti-bacterial properties.
- For better breathing
- Fights a cold
- Thyme is used in the form of tea to fight the common cold and gargle to fight throat pain.
To fight urinary infections, infections of the urinary tract, bladder or even prostate are treated with drinking thyme tea.
Thyme is full of vitamins, thyme tea is an important source of vitamin K, which is necessary for the manufacture of proteins that play a role in blood clotting and bone formation.
Provides the body with mineral elements, dried thyme is an important source of iron necessary for the transport of oxygen and for the formation of red blood cells in the blood. It helps to manufacture new cells, hormones and neurotransmitters. Fresh green thyme gives the body an abundant amount of vitamin C.
Green Thyme for Skin Health: The purified and healing thyme properties help to fight acne, cuts, and redness (used in a soaked form for external use).
Against rheumatism: put in a bath with soaked thyme to treat rheumatism, arthritis and muscle pain.
Flavonoids: The flavonoids contained in thyme act as an antioxidant, which allows to fight damage caused by free radicals (which cause cancer and other diseases).
Useful for teeth: thyme is a source of manganese and calcium, and helps in the proper formation of bones and teeth well. If used for gargle, it treats the teeth, gums and dental cavities and fights the bad breath of the mouth.