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Video duration: 04 minutes 18 seconds 04:18

Al Jazeera obtained images extracted from an Israeli army drone showing massive destruction, sniping, and the spread of bodies in the streets of Tal al-Zaatar in the northern Gaza Strip.

The pictures reveal the arrest of medical personnel, patients, and displaced people from Al Awda Hospital in Tal Al-Zaatar, and stripping them of their clothes.

The pictures - which are expected to have been taken last December - also showed the bombing of entire residential squares.

The occupation army intensified its bombing of the Tal Al-Zaatar area, specifically the Indonesian and Al-Awda hospitals, which are located close to each other in the area.

During the first week of December - that is, after the humanitarian truce during which a prisoner exchange took place - military vehicles penetrated Tal Al-Zaatar and began besieging Al-Awda Hospital and targeting its surroundings for days.

Days later, the occupation forces stormed Al Awda Hospital and began arresting dozens in a cold atmosphere. Pictures showed the detainees naked.

Source: Al Jazeera