Eating tomatoes helps fight male infertility. The "lycopene" content in tomatoes improves the quality of sperm, according to the results of a new study conducted by the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom.

The results of the study showed that the substance "lycopene", which is one of the antioxidants present in tomatoes, can help to enhance the quality of sperm, as the results came after researchers monitored that there is a higher percentage of sperms with a healthy shape with better movement in men, who ate " Lycopene »during their experience.

"This study comes in support of our ongoing efforts and endeavors to fully understand male infertility, especially with high incidence cases around the world," said IVF specialist IVA Middle East fertility clinic. This study is really beneficial, because infertility associated with sperm affects about 40% of couples, who suffer from problems in the occurrence of a normal pregnancy.

"Through this new discovery, we will be able to share this nutritional reality with husbands and achieve better results. Men, who suffer from poor sperm quality and quality, may be beneficial to them by eating the recommended amount of antioxidants in their daily diet," she added. ».