On New Year's Eve, when the whole country cuts salads, buys gifts and thinks how to spend the holiday so that, on the one hand, it is remembered for the rest of the year, and on the other, so as not to overwhelm, an annoying, annoying note appeared in the media . The company, which is under the departmental subordination of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has posted an application on the government procurement website.

The application indicates the holding of an event in the Zavidovo country hotel, the theme was the 1920s, the great Gatsby, “champagne by the river, a sea of ​​lights and fun”, decor - ostrich feathers, pearl necklaces, carnations and orchids. Some resources wrote that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will spend 2.5 million rubles from the state budget on the entire event. That is, diplomats will dance the foxtrot and Charleston, wrap themselves in fur coats, imagine themselves heroes of Scott Fitzgerald and drain the champagne rivers at the expense of the taxpayer, who barely has time to deal with the olive. This causes unequivocal irritation, envy and a reasonable question: “How long ?!” Here is just one caveat: everything is not quite as it is represented by news resources. Or rather, not even at all.

GlavUpDK (the company conducting the tender) does serve the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but is a commercial organization. That is, its goal, like the goal of any business, is to make money. She, among other things, owns the hotel and recreation center "Zavidovo", where the mentioned party is held. And now the most interesting: the event is not closed. Tickets are sold on the site zavidovo.ru, spend four days at a recreation center, meet 2020 and, in fact, go to a Fitzgerald-style party costs from 85 thousand rubles. The button "book by promotion" is active. The fact that for the money you can drink at the same table with Maria Zakharova and Sergey Lavrov does not say anything.

In other words, this is a usual commercial offer for those who have money, but there is no time to cut salads, decorate a Christmas tree and buy champagne. With the proper number of guests (85 thousand rubles - this is the lower limit), all this will pay off and even make a profit. And in any case, no budget money will be used for this business - they commented so in the company itself, and, given all the above, there is no reason not to believe them.

New Year is traditionally a bright holiday. People take stock, remember that they succeeded, that failed, and hope that the coming year will be better. Will bring them new luck, new successes, and (much without them) new money. Probably, one should not poison him with envy, all the more baseless - neither to our diplomats, nor to the guests of Zavidov. And to warm up this envy is a completely ignoble business. Happy holiday!

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.