July Senate Selection 1 vote “Constitution” Judgment Hiroshima High Court Matsue Branch November 6 15:10

In the Upper House election in July, the Matsue branch of the Hiroshima High Court ruled that the so-called one-vote inequality was at most tripled, not to violate the constitution.

In the House of Councilors elections in July, there was a maximum difference of 3.002 times in the number of voters per member of the constituency, and lawyers and other groups said that “they violate the Constitution” There is a complaint all over the country calling for invalidation.

Of these, the Hiroshima High Court Matsue Branch indicated that it would not violate the Constitution in a judgment targeting the “Tottori Shimane constituency”, which became a so-called “compartment”.

The disparity of one vote in the House of Councilors election was 3.08 times at the maximum in the previous three-year election, but in this election, correction was made to increase the number of elected seats in Saitama constituency, and the difference was 3.002 times at most. It was.

There are now 10 judgments issued nationwide by the 6th, 8 are “constitutional” decisions that do not violate the constitution, and 2 are “unconstitutional”.