Genetic factors are the main cause of graying and rapid aging, but that is not all. A recent study published in the Health website suggests that many additional factors can be controlled to avoid premature aging, such as exposure to sun, smoking and a healthy diet.

A study conducted by a British university found that foods that can avoid aging are delayed:

- Preserved meat such as sausages, hot dog, burgers and other processed meat forms

- Carbohydrates such as bread and pasta as it raises blood sugar

- Sebum, to be considered the main cause of chronic diseases and drought and contain a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which cause a large number of infections.

Foods that are easy to prepare and that contain large amounts of salt causing water retention

- Energy drinks because they contain a high percentage of sugar, caffeine, sodium and acid

- Sweetness is considered the first cause of aging, as well as many diseases, notably cancer.